JMC on the WEB

me --

Note, this site will no longer receive updates. Updated/New content has been moved to Gemini and Gopher.

My Gemini Capsule is gemini:// which is also mirrored here gemini:// See "Wikipedia Gemini" on what gemini clients to use.

And my gopher hole is gopher:// You can use "lynx(1)" to access gopher sites.

You will quickly notice I do not design WEB pages, came up with this for fun. In any case, I tend to like simple sites, so it suits me fine.

My Personal Links:

Cool Links:

There is more to come.

That's it for now


I am nerdier than 95% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to take the Nerd Test, get nerdy images and jokes, and talk on the nerd forum!

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