############################################################################### # Fonts -- need to be first in .vtwmrc ############################################################################### # TrueType EnableXftFontRenderer MenuFont "Bitstream Vera Sans:normal:roman:size=15:antialias=true" MenuTitleFont "Bitstream Vera Sans:normal:roman:size=15:antialias=true" DefaultFont "Bitstream Vera Sans:bold:roman:size=12:antialias=true" DoorFont "Bitstream Vera Sans:normal:roman:size=10:antialias=true" IconFont "Bitstream Vera Sans:normal:roman:size=10:antialias=true" IconManagerFont "Bitstream Vera Sans:bold:roman:size=10:antialias=true" InfoFont "Bitstream Vera Sans:normal:roman:size=12:antialias=true" ResizeFont "Bitstream Vera Sans:normal:roman:size=14:antialias=true" TitleFont "Bitstream Vera Sans:bold:roman:size=12:antialias=true" VirtualDesktopFont "Bitstream Vera Sans:normal:roman:size=6:antialias=true" ############################################################################### # Custom settings ############################################################################### SqueezeTitle OldFashionedTwmWindowsMenu RandomPlacement NoGrabServer RestartPreviousState NoDefaults ShowIconManager IconifyByUnmapping RightHandSidePulldownMenus NaturalAutoPanBehavior NotVirtualGeometries FixManagedVirtualGeometries FixTransientVirtualGeometries ButtonColorIsFrame ResizeRegion "NorthEast" MoveDelta 3 FramePadding 2 TitlePadding 0 BorderWidth 3 DoorBevelWidth 1 PanDistanceX 100 PanDistanceY 100 PanResistance 3000 AutoPan 10 StayUpOptionalMenus # the following is for a 3d look BorderBevelWidth 2 ButtonBevelWidth 1 ClearBevelContrast 40 DarkBevelContrast 40 IconBevelWidth 2 IconManagerBevelWidth 1 InfoBevelWidth 2 MenuBevelWidth 2 ShallowReliefWindowButton TitleBevelWidth 1 ButtonIndent -1 TitleButtonBorderWidth 0 VirtualDesktopBevelWidth 0 # above 0 will annoy me VirtualDesktop "3x3-0-0" 40 IconManagerGeometry "125x800-0+2" 1 ############################################################################### # Startup ############################################################################### ##CHANGE THIS###Function "VTWM Profile" ##CHANGE THIS###{ ##CHANGE THIS### f.exec "~/bin/vtwm/krun.sh lastX tun0 xconsole xbiff" ##CHANGE THIS###} ############################################################################### # Pixmaps ############################################################################### Pixmaps { TitleHighlight ":xpm:sunkenbox" MenuIconPixmap ":xpm:rarrow" IconManagerPixmap ":xpm:box" } ############################################################################### # Miniapps ############################################################################### AppletRegion "80x600-0-95" South East 100 100 { "bubblefishymon" "wmbiff" "wmWeather" "wminfo" "minidock" "asbutton" "asapm" } ############################################################################### # Colors ############################################################################### Color { BorderColor "SteelBlue4" BorderTileBackground "#1E1F28" TitleBackground "SteelBlue4" TitleForeground "azure2" IconManagerForeground "azure3" IconManagerBackground "SteelBlue4" { "Audacious" "gray10" "Amarok" "gray10" "amarok" "gray10" "xmms" "gray10" "gxine" "gray10" } DesktopDisplayForeground "black" DesktopDisplayBackground "LightSteelBlue" BorderTileForeground "gray60" DefaultBackground "Azure3" DefaultForeground "black" DesktopDisplayBorder "black" IconBackground "#1C1C26" IconBorderColor "#22222C" IconForeground "snow" MenuBackground "gray70" MenuForeground "black" MenuTitleBackground "SteelBlue4" MenuTitleForeground "black" RealScreenBackground "gray30" VirtualBackground "rgb:1E/1F/28" VirtualForeground "black" } Monochrome { DefaultBackground "gray50" DefaultForeground "gray85" BorderColor "grey70" BorderTileBackground "gray60" BorderTileForeground "gray60" DoorBackground "gray50" DoorForeground "gray85" TitleBackground "gray50" TitleForeground "gray85" MenuBackground "gray50" MenuForeground "gray85" MenuTitleBackground "gray70" MenuTitleForeground "gray50" IconBackground "gray50" IconForeground "gray85" IconBorderColor "gray85" IconManagerBackground "gray50" IconManagerForeground "gray85" VirtualBackground "gray70" VirtualForeground "black" DesktopDisplayBackground "grey85" DesktopDisplayForeground "black" RealScreenBackground "gray60" } ############################################################################### # Functions and Bindings ############################################################################### Function "move-or-iconify" { f.move f.deltastop f.iconify } Function "move-or-raiselower" { f.move f.deltastop f.raiselower } Function "warpwindow" { f.warpsnug f.warp f.warpsnug } LeftTitleButton ":xpm:darrow" = f.iconify Button1 = : root : f.menu "TwmWindows" Button2 = : root : f.menu "Mroot_middle_button" Button3 = : root : f.menu "Mroot_right_button" Button1 = : title : f.function "move-or-raiselower" Button2 = : title : f.resize Button3 = : title : f.menu "Mtitle_menu" Button1 = : frame : f.resize Button2 = : frame : f.move Button3 = : frame : f.iconify Button1 = : door : f.enterdoor Button2 = : door : f.namedoor Button3 = : door : f.deletedoor Button1 = : icon : f.function "move-or-iconify" Button3 = : icon : f.menu "Mtitle_menu" Button1 = : iconmgr : f.iconify Button3 = : iconmgr : f.warp Button1 = : virtual : f.movescreen Button2 = : virtual : f.movescreen Button3 = : virtual : f.movescreen Button1 = : desktop : f.movescreen Button2 = : desktop : f.warp # morph desktop to window Button3 = : desktop : f.function "warpwindow" # morph window to desktop ############################################################################### # Custom Keyboard ############################################################################### Function "jmc_w1" { f.panup "100" f.panup "100" f.panleft "100" f.panleft "100" } Function "jmc_w2" { f.function "jmc_w1" f.panright "100" } Function "jmc_w3" { f.panup "100" f.panup "100" f.panright "100" f.panright "100" } Function "jmc_w4" { f.panup "100" f.panup "100" f.pandown "100" f.panleft "100" f.panleft "100" } Function "jmc_w5" { f.function "jmc_w4" f.panright "100" } Function "jmc_w6" { f.panup "100" f.panup "100" f.pandown "100" f.panright "100" f.panright "100" } Function "jmc_w7" { f.pandown "100" f.pandown "100" f.panleft "100" f.panleft "100" } Function "jmc_w8" { f.function "jmc_w7" f.panright "100" } Function "jmc_w9" { f.pandown "100" f.pandown "100" f.panright "100" f.panright "100" } "F1" = m : all : f.function "jmc_w1" "F2" = m : all : f.function "jmc_w2" "F3" = m : all : f.function "jmc_w3" "F4" = m : all : f.function "jmc_w4" "F5" = m : all : f.function "jmc_w5" "F6" = m : all : f.function "jmc_w6" "F7" = m : all : f.function "jmc_w7" "F8" = m : all : f.function "jmc_w8" "F9" = m : all : f.function "jmc_w9" "F1" = m4: all : f.function "jmc_w1" "F2" = m4: all : f.function "jmc_w2" "F3" = m4: all : f.function "jmc_w3" "F4" = m4: all : f.function "jmc_w4" "F5" = m4: all : f.function "jmc_w5" "F6" = m4: all : f.function "jmc_w6" "F7" = m4: all : f.function "jmc_w7" "F8" = m4: all : f.function "jmc_w8" "F9" = m4: all : f.function "jmc_w9" AutoRaiseDelay 100 AutoRaise ############################################################################### # Application Format Lists # Order seems important, otherwise windows will refresh ############################################################################### StartIconified { "wmsystemtray" } NailedDown { "Calendar" # Calendar "Information" # gnomecal "VTWM Desktop" "VTWM Icon Manager" "VTWM Door" "[Xx]message*" "asapm" "asclock" "astime" "bubblefishymon" "dclock" "emiclock" "fishmon" "fbrun" "gkrellm" "gnomecal" # Calendar "lavaps" "mailtool" "minidock" "asbutton" "conky-semi" "oclock" "pclock" "rclock" "xconsole" "wmsystemtray" "xosview" "swisswatch" "trayer" "stalonetray" "wmMoonClock" "wmSun" "wmWeather" "wmbiff" "wmclock" "wmclockmon" "wmcpuload" "wmfishtime" "wmitime" "wmmemmon" "wmtime" "wmzcalock" "wminfo" "xbiff" "xclock" "xdaliclock" "xeyes" "xload" "xlogo" "xmailbox" "xmessage" "xneko" "xnetload" "xvclock" } NoTitle { "VTWM Desktop" "VTWM Icon Manager" "VTWM Door" "asapm" "asclock" "astime" "bubblefishymon" "dclock" "emiclock" "fishmon" "gkrellm" "lavaps" "minidock" "asbutton" "conky-semi" "oclock" "pclock" "rclock" "xconsole" "xosview" "swisswatch" "trayer" "stalonetray" "user_popup" # xbmbrowser "wmMoonClock" "wmSun" "wmWeather" "wmbiff" "wmclock" "wmclockmon" "wmcpuload" "wmfishtime" "wmitime" "wmmemmon" "wmtime" "wmzcalock" "wmsystemtray" "wminfo" "xbiff" "xclock" "xdaliclock" "xeyes" "xload" "xlogo" "xmailbox" "xmessage" "xneko" "xnetload" "xvclock" } DontShowInDisplay { "VTWM Desktop" "VTWM Icon Manager" "VTWM Door" "asapm" "asclock" "astime" "bubblefishymon" "dclock" "emiclock" "fishmon" "gkrellm" "minidock" "asbutton" "conky-semi" "lavaps" "oclock" "pclock" "rclock" "xconsole" "wmsystemtray" "xosview" "swisswatch" "wmCalClock" "wmHexaClock" "wmMoonClock" "wmSun" "wmWeather" "wmbiff" "wmclock" "wmclockmon" "wmcpuload" "wmfishtime" "wmitime" "wmmemmon" "wmtime" "wmzcalock" "wminfo" "xbiff" "xclock" "xdaliclock" "xeyes" "xload" "xlogo" "xmailbox" "xneko" "xnetload" "xvclock" } IconManagerDontShow { "Calendar" "VTWM Desktop" "VTWM Icon Manager" "VTWM Door" "asapm" "asclock" "astime" "bubblefishymon" "dclock" "emiclock" "fishmon" "gkrellm" "gnomecal" "lavaps" "minidock" "asbutton" "conky-semi" "oclock" "pclock" "rclock" "xosview" "swisswatch" "trayer" "stalonetray" "user_popup" # xbmbrowser "wmMoonClock" "wmSun" "wmWeather" "wmbiff" "wmclock" "wmclockmon" "wmcpuload" "wmfishtime" "wmitime" "wmmemmon" "wmtime" "wmzcalock" "xbiff" "xclock" "xdaliclock" "xeyes" "xload" "xlogo" "xmailbox" "xneko" "xnetload" "xvclock" } #---- one of these the issue ? DontShowInTwmWindows { "Dali Clock" "VTWM Desktop" "VTWM Icon Manager" "VTWM Door" "[Xx]message*" "asclock" "astime" "bubblefishymon" "daliclock" "emiclock" "gkrellm" "lavaps" "oclock" "swisswatch" "wmMoonClock" "wmSun" "wmWeather" "wmbiff" "wmcpuload" "wmitime" "wmmemmon" "wminfo" "xbiff" "xclock" "xdaliclock" "xeyes" "xload" "xlogo" "xnetload" "xvclock" } DontShowInVtwmWindows { "Dali Clock" "VTWM Desktop" "VTWM Icon Manager" "VTWM Door" "[Xx]message*" "asclock" "astime" "bubblefishymon" "daliclock" "emiclock" "gkrellm" "lavaps" "oclock" "swisswatch" "wmMoonClock" "wmSun" "wmWeather" "wmbiff" "wmcpuload" "wmitime" "wmmemmon" "wminfo" "xbiff" "xclock" "xdaliclock" "xeyes" "xload" "xlogo" "xnetload" "xvclock" } #-- if only for specific windows, active window # will flash when changing panner location NoHighlight { "asapm" "asclock" "astime" "bubblefishymon" "dclock" "fishmon" "lavaps" "minidock" "asbutton" "conky-semi" "oclock" "pclock" "rclock" "xconsole" "wmsystemtray" "xosview" "swisswatch" "trayer" "stalonetray" "wmMoonClock" "wmSun" "wmWeather" "wmbiff" "wmclock" "wmclockmon" "wmcpuload" "wmfishtime" "wmitime" "wmmemmon" "wmtime" "wmzcalock" "wminfo" "xbiff" "xclock" "xdaliclock" "xeyes" "xload" "xlogo" "xnetload" "xvclock" } DontIconifyByUnmapping { "mailtool" "xmailbox" } DontSqueezeTitle { "VTWM Desktop" } ############################################################################### # Common keyboard ############################################################################### "Return" = : iconmgr : f.iconify "Up" = m&c: all : f.panup "100" "Down" = m&c: all : f.pandown "100" "Left" = m&c: all : f.panleft "100" "Right" = m&c: all : f.panright "100" "Print" = c : all : f.exec "~/bin/Util/print_window.sh ksnapshot &" "Print" = m : all : f.exec "~/bin/Util/print_window.sh &" #IRC#"1" = m : all : f.iconify #IRC#"2" = m : all : f.zoom #IRC#"3" = m : all : f.horizoom #IRC#"4" = m : all : f.fullzoom #EMACS#"q" = m : all : f.delete "r" = m : all : f.restart #DISABLED FOR IRSSI#"Left" = m : all : f.backiconmgr #DISABLED FOR IRSSI#"Right" = m : all : f.forwiconmgr #DISABLED FOR IRSSI#"Up" = m : all : f.backiconmgr #DISABLED FOR IRSSI#"Down" = m : all : f.forwiconmgr "Print" = m4: all : f.exec "~/bin/Util/print_window.sh &" "Left" = m4: all : f.backiconmgr "Right" = m4: all : f.forwiconmgr "Up" = m4: all : f.backiconmgr "Down" = m4: all : f.forwiconmgr "1" = m4: all : f.iconify "2" = m4: all : f.zoom "3" = m4: all : f.horizoom "4" = m4: all : f.fullzoom "q" = m4: all : f.delete "r" = m : all : f.exec "/usr/local/bin/fbrun -pos 700 5 &" "r" = m4 : all : f.exec "/usr/local/bin/fbrun -pos 700 5 &" "r" = m&c : all : f.restart "l" = m&c : all : f.exec "xscreensaver-command -lock &" ############################################################################### # For window warping ############################################################################### #WarpToTransients # move pointer to Transients when created WarpCursor WarpVisible WindowRing "Tab" = m : all : f.warpring "next" "Tab" = mod4 : all : f.warpring "prev" NoWindowRing { "VTWM*" "Eddie*" "Dali Clock" "wmagnify*" "Magnify*" "magnify" "Magnify 2x" "magnify 2x" "[Xx][Mm]essage*" "xmessage" "Xmessage" "xfce4-notifyd" "asclock" "astime" "bubblefishymon" "daliclock" "Dillo" "dillo" "xlogo" "emiclock" "gkrellm" "lavaps" "minidock" "asbutton" "conky-semi" "dclock" "oclock" "rclock" "xconsole" "wmsystemtray" "xosview" "swisswatch" "trayer" "stalonetray" "wmMoonClock" "wmSun" "wmWeather" "wmbiff" "wmcpuload" "wmitime" "wmmemmon" "wminfo" "xbiff" "xclock" "xdaliclock" "xdaliclock" "xeyes" "xload" "xnetload" "xvclock" } UnknownIcon "oicon.xbm" Icons { "Xjewel" "tetris2.xbm" "Gnometris" "tetris.xbm" "Brush Selection" "paint2.xbm" "Color Palette" "palette2.xbm" "GVim" "edit.xbm" "Gradient Selection" "grainy.xbm" "Indexed Color Palette" "palette2.xbm" "Load Image" "pic_frame.xbm" "Mozilla-bin" "network.xbm" "New Image" "pic_frame.xbm" "Pattern Selection" "pattern1.xbm" "Save Image" "pic_frame.xbm" "Screen Shot" "terminal_say.xbm" "Send to Mail" "mail_open.xbm" "The GIMP" "palette2.xbm" "The Gimp" "palette2.xbm" "VTWM Desktop" "odesk.xbm" "XGammon-Buttons" "autocad.xbm" "XTerm" "Term" "abiword" "words.xbm" "emacs" "emacs.xbm" "gnome-calculator" "calculator.xbm" "gnome-cd" "cd_caddy.xbm" "gnome-dictionary" "webster_dict.xbm" "gnomecal" "calendar.xbm" "gnumeric" "sc.xbm" "gvim" "edit.xbm" "image_window" "pic_frame.xbm" "kmail" "mail_new.xbm" "konqueror" "filing.xbm" "kspread" "sc.xbm" "kstars" "galaxy.xbm" "kword" "words.xbm" "navigator:browser" "netscape.xbm" "netscape" "netscape.xbm" "print" "printer.xbm" "virtualDesktop" "odesk.xbm" "x11amp" "xfm_au.xbm" "xmahjongg" "chip.xbm" "xpaint" "palette.xbm" } ############################################################################### # vtwm.menu -- common menu file ############################################################################### menu "Zoom" { "Toggle Fullzoom" f.fullzoom "Toggle Horizoom" f.horizoom "Toggle Vertzoom" f.zoom } menu "ShowHide" { "Show Iconmamager" f.showiconmgr "Hide Iconmamager" f.hideiconmgr "Show DeskTop" f.showdesktopdisplay "Hide DeskTop" f.hidedesktopdisplay } menu "other_wm" { " Other Window Managers " f.title "fluxbox" f.startwm "startfluxbox" "fvwm2" f.startwm "fvwm2" "twm" f.startwm "twm" "wmaker" f.startwm "wmaker" "" f.separator "Restart" f.restart } menu "mod_win" { "move" f.move "togglenail" f.nail "above" f.nailedabove "" f.separator "autoraise" f.autoraise "ring" f.ring "snuggle" f.snugwindow "" f.separator "raise" f.raise "lower" f.lower "" f.separator "^--" f.squeezeleft "-^-" f.squeezecenter "--^" f.squeezeright } menu "menu_graph" { " Graphics " f.title "gimp" f.exec "gimp &" "XaoS" f.exec "xaos &" "xpaint" f.exec "xpaint &" "xfig" f.exec "xfig -geometry 897x707 &" "xv" f.exec "xv &" } menu "menu_games" { " GAMES " f.title "xjumpjump" f.exec "xjumpjump &" "xbackgammon" f.exec "xgammon &" "xsok" f.exec "xsok &" "xpat2" f.exec "xpat2" "" f.separator "xmahjongg" f.exec "xmahjongg --tileset thick &" "FrozenBubble" f.exec "frozen-bubble &" "NeverPutt" f.exec "neverputt &" "NeverBall" f.exec "neverball &" "" f.separator "icebreaker" f.exec "icebreaker &" "Xbill" f.exec "xbill &" "Xkobo" f.exec "xkobo -doublesize &" "Xkobo (cheat)" f.exec "xkobo -doublesize -cheat &" "" f.separator "Xboard" f.exec "xboard -fcp /usr/local/bin/gnuchess &" } menu "menu_backgrounds" { " Backgrounds " f.title "ghost-in-the-shell-6" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh ghost-in-the-shell-6.jpg &" "gits-mkv_001000_07-03-13" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh gits-mkv_001000_07-03-13.jpg &" "ghost_in_the_shell_95.0" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh ghost_in_the_shell_95.0.jpg &" "ghost-in-the-shell-2" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh ghost-in-the-shell-2.jpg &" "ghost_in_the_shell_401_1680" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh ghost_in_the_shell_401_1680.jpg &" "gits-1600x900-001" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh gits-1600x900-001.jpg &" "gits-1600x900-002" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh gits-1600x900-002.jpg &" "gits-monj-1280x688" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh gits-monj-1280x688.jpg &" "gits" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh gits.jpg &" "" f.separator "gunnm25" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh gunnm25-1024x768.jpg &" "Battle_Angel_Alita" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh Battle_Angel_Alita.jpg &" "" f.separator "grid16" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh grid16 &" "escherknot" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh escherknot &" "null" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh null_1440 &" "" f.separator "RubikMono 1920x1080" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh RubikMono1920.jpg &" "RubikOrig 1920x1080" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh RubikOriginal1920.jpg &" "RubikRuby 1920" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh RubikRuby1920.jpg &" "RubikSapphire 1920x1080" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh RubikSapphire1920.jpg &" "" f.separator "RubikMono 1680x1050" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh RubikMono1680x1050.jpg &" "RubikOriginal 1680x1050" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh RubikOriginal1680x1050.jpg &" "RubikRuby 1680x1050" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh RubikRuby1680x1050.jpg &" "RubikSapphire 1680x1050" f.exec "~/Data/Pictures/set_picture.sh RubikSapphire1680x1050.jpg &" } ############################################################################### # Main Menus ############################################################################### menu "menu_utils" { " Utilities " f.title "xmag" f.exec "xmag &" "Calculator" f.exec "galculator &" "" f.separator "File Manager" f.exec "xfe &" "" f.separator "xclipboard" f.exec "xclipboard &" "xbmbrowser" f.exec "xbmbrowser -geometry 550x550 &" "xcalc" f.exec "xcalc &" "" f.separator "Backgrounds" f.menu "menu_backgrounds" "" f.separator "Restart vtwm" f.restart "About" f.version } menu "menu_ooffice" { " Libra Office " f.title "Spreadsheet" f.exec "scalc &" "Word Processor" f.exec "swriter &" "Presentation" f.exec "simpress &" "Database" f.exec "sbase &" "Math Editor" f.exec "smath &" "Draw" f.exec "sdraw &" "Open Office Main" f.exec "soffice &" "Printer Admin" f.exec "spadmin &" } menu "menu_apps" { " Applications " f.title "GNU emacs" f.exec "emacs &" "" f.separator "Firefox" f.exec "firefox-esr &" "Thunderbird" f.exec "thunderbird &" "Dillo" f.exec "dillo &" "" f.separator "Libra Office" f.menu "menu_ooffice" "Image Apps" f.menu "menu_graph" } menu "Mtitle_menu" { " Window " f.title "" f.separator "Resize" f.resize "togglenail" f.nail "Move" f.move "Iconify" f.iconify "Refresh" f.winrefresh "" f.separator "Identify" f.identify "Modify Win" f.menu "mod_win" "Zoom" f.menu "Zoom" "" f.separator "Delete" f.delete "Destroy" f.destroy } menu "Mroot_middle_button" { " Arrange " f.title "" f.separator "Resize" f.resize "Iconify" f.iconify "Move" f.move "" f.separator "Refresh" f.winrefresh "Identify" f.identify "" f.separator "Modify Window" f.menu "mod_win" "Zoom" f.menu "Zoom" "Show/Hide" f.menu "ShowHide" "" f.separator "Send Delete" f.delete "Kill Window" f.destroy } menu "Mroot_right_button" { " vtwm " f.title "Xterm" f.exec "xterm &" "" f.separator "Applications" f.menu "menu_apps" "Utilities" f.menu "menu_utils" "Games" f.menu "menu_games" "" f.separator "Window Ops" f.menu "Mroot_middle_button" "lock screen" f.exec "/usr/bin/pkill -USR1 xidle &" "" f.separator "Others" f.menu "other_wm" "Exit" f.quit } #### .vtwmrc-openbsd