# designed for resolution 1680x1050, # should be easy to adapt for other resolutions background no font 7x13 text_buffer_size 640 use_xft yes xftalpha 0.8 temperature_unit Fahrenheit mail_spool $MAIL update_interval 5.0 total_run_times 0 own_window no own_window_transparent yes own_window_colour hotpink double_buffer yes minimum_size 280 5 draw_shades yes draw_outline no draw_borders no stippled_borders 8 border_width 1 default_color LightSkyBlue3 default_shade_color black default_outline_color black alignment top_left gap_x 1 gap_y 1 no_buffers yes uppercase no cpu_avg_samples 2 net_avg_samples 2 override_utf8_locale no #### NOTEs: # 1. File ~/TEMP/real.IP is created once a week # via a cron job that dumps contents of # site: http://checkip.dyndns.org/ # # 2. File ~/TEMP/log_cpu_temp_curr.txt is created every 20 mins # via a script script. That script executes program # "sensors" and generates a file with just the CPU temperature # # 3. Weather info is created by a cron job which executes # every four hours. See # http://home.comcast.net/~j_mccue/config/weather.txt # for an example script which creates files in ~/.weathern # #### TEXT ${voffset 5}\ ${color gray70} \ ${font Bitstream Vera Sans:normal:roman:size=10:antialias=true} \ ${offset 361}Uptime: $uptime_short ${font Bitstream Vera Sans:bold:roman:size=10:antialias=true}\ ${offset 1100}${color #708090}${downspeedgraph eth0 12,50}${color gray50} eth0 Down: ${downspeed eth0} ${font Bitstream Vera Sans:bold:roman:size=8:antialias=true}(${totaldown eth0}) ${font Bitstream Vera Sans:bold:roman:size=10:antialias=true}\ ${voffset 15}\ ${offset 800}${color #708090}${upspeedgraph eth0 12,50}${color gray50} eth0 Up: ${upspeed eth0} ${font Bitstream Vera Sans:bold:roman:size=8:antialias=true}(${totalup eth0}) ${color gray55}${font NeoTrash:pixelsize=12}\ ${color lightgrey}${offset 1400}Processes:$color ${font Bitstream Vera Sans:normal:roman:size=10:antialias=true}$processes ($running_processes) ${color gray55}${font NeoTrash:pixelsize=12}\ ${color gray55}${font NeoTrash:pixelsize=18} ${audacious_title 120} ${voffset 90}\ ${color gray55}${font NeoTrash:pixelsize=12}\ ${offset 1400}${color grey}Threads: $color ${font Bitstream Vera Sans:normal:roman:size=10:antialias=true}$threads ($running_threads) ${voffset 25}\ ${color #708090}${font SE:xft:Sans:bold:pixelsize=14}${offset 1040}ip:${addrs} \ ${font SE:xft:Sans:bold:pixelsize=10}real:${execi 1800 cat ~/TEMP/real.IP} \ ${voffset 26} ${color gray55}${font Neotrash:normal:roman:size=14:antialias=true} \ ${execi 7200 cat /etc/slackware-version} ${voffset 40}${offset 22} ${voffset 70}\ ${font Monospace:bold:size=9}${color gray55}\ ${offset 1500}${top cpu 1}% ${top pid 1} ${top name 1} ${offset 1500}${top cpu 2}% ${top pid 2} ${top name 2} ${offset 1500}${top cpu 3}% ${top pid 3} ${top name 3} ${offset 1500}${top cpu 4}% ${top pid 4} ${top name 4} ${offset 1500}${top cpu 5}% ${top pid 5} ${top name 5} ${voffset 40}\ ${color gray70}${offset 228}${font NeoTrash:bold:pixelsize=24} $kernel $machine ${voffset 43}\ ${font Bitstream Vera Sans:normal:roman:size=8:antialias=true}${color gray40} As of: ${color gray50}${offset 36}${execi 300 cat ~/.weathern/conky/out.last_upd} ${color gray40} Sun: ${color gray50}${offset 36}${execi 300 cat ~/.weathern/conky/out_sun.stats} ${color gray40} Temp: ${color gray50}${offset 29}${execi 300 cat ~/.weathern/conky/out.degrees.fmt}${color gray40} Visibility:${color gray50}${offset 32}${execi 300 cat ~/.weathern/conky/out.visibility} ${color gray40} Dew: ${color gray50}${offset 34}${execi 300 cat ~/.weathern/conky/out.dew} ${color gray40} Humidity: ${color gray50}${offset 26}${execi 300 cat ~/.weathern/conky/out.humid} ${color gray40} Wind: ${color gray50}${offset 34}${execi 300 cat ~/.weathern/conky/out.wind} ${color gray40} Barometer: ${color gray50}${offset 20}${execi 300 cat ~/.weathern/conky/out.barometer-direction} ${color gray40} ${execi 300 head -7 ~/.weathern/conky/out.fmt.forecast | sed 's/^/ /'} ${color gray40} ${voffset 20}\ ${color gray70}${offset 900}${color #708090}${cpugraph cpu1 12,50} ${color gray70}CPU 1: ${cpu cpu1}% -- ${execi 120 cat ~/TEMP/log_cpu_temp_curr.txt}°F ${voffset 37}\ ${color gray70}${offset 1000}${color #708090}${cpugraph cpu2 12,50} ${color gray70}CPU 2: ${cpu cpu2}% ${voffset 19}\ ${font Bitstream Vera Sans:normal:roman:size=8:antialias=true}\ ${offset 253}${color #708090}${swapbar 10,40}${color gray60} Swap $swapperc% ${voffset 23}\ ${offset 1300}${color #708090}${membar 10,80}${color gray60} Mem $memperc% ${voffset 45}\ ${color gray55}${font NeoTrash:pixelsize=34}\ ${offset 455}${execi 59 date '+%b %d, %Y %I:%M %P'} ${color gray40}